I voted "yes". 1000 tickets is way too much when the server has a low population. The trick is finding the right ticket amounts to match the number of players and when the change points activate. I think either it should be 1, 2 or 3. For instance, with one change point, it could be set at 500 tickets for 0-31 players and 1000 for 32-64. With two change points, it could be 350 for 0-20, 700 for 21-41, and 1000 for 42-64. Or, finally, three change points could be set at 250 for 0-16, 500 for 17-32, 750 for 33-48, and 1000 for 49-64. Three might be too many, though, since the server usually starts jumping once it hits "critical mass" of about 20 or so players and then fills up quickly. So, I'm thinking that 1 or 2 change points would probably be the best bet.