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 Nim's BF3 build

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PostSubject: Nim's BF3 build   Nim's BF3 build Icon_minitimeSun Mar 13, 2011 4:58 pm

Want opinions and criticism

Lay it on me.

This rig is for Me for general 24/7 gaming
I also want to take it with me to lan fests and tourneys in 2011/2012

CPU - Looking at the 2011 pin chip set. branded core i7but least expensive I7 similar price point to the 920 when it first came out. EST COST $320

Ram - Since the new 2011 chip set is quad channel ddr3 i am going to stick ith the 12G I have now and get (2) more 2g sticsk for 8x2g modules for 16 g ddr3 total EST COST $45

MB - EVGA cause the last (5) X58 cMB had zero problems but also there well versed 24/7 tech support , this is for the 2011 pin i7 cpu. I am pretty sure this is called the X68. I am also getting the micro atx version for my rig EST COST $299

Case - Lan Gear Da Box 100 Can fit: micro atx MB, 16g of ram, the best cpu gaming class, 2 slot gpu space (pics show 5970 np), full atx psu, cd rom (which I am not needing), Corsair H70 compatible, and 2 additional slots for Pci-E sound card and Pci-E hard drive Cost $189.99

HD - OCZ Revo Drive 160G This HD eliminates : CDROM plus hadrdrive + the four cables that go with cdrom and traditional HD. It is fast 740mb/s read 690 mb/s write. One video on Youtube shows this loading BC2 in 2 seconds flat and Windows power on to desktop in 4 seconds.
Cost $469.99

PSU] - Corsair Hx1000 Modular love it already have it.

VGA - ATI HD 7970 single card single gpu 4g model. There is a listing for samsung ddr7 (lol!) but seriously, want the fastest ATI single card single gpu the can pump out when BF3 is ready. EST Cost $450

Cooling - Corsair H70 Cost $109.00

Wiring - Sheethed and custom Length red black red black color coded. As you can see from the picture below the cable from GPU to VGA will be like 4 inches long elimintaion most of wiring. The 24 pin mb cable would only be 7 inches long from PSU to motherboard. Total number of cables would be .

(1) 8 Pin assembly for VGA RED BLK Red BLK 4 inch
(1) 6 Pin assembly for VGA RED BLK Red BLK 4 inch
(1) 24 Pin assembly for MB RED BLK RED BLK 7 Inch
(1) 6 Pin assembly for MB RED BLK RED BLK 9 Inch
(1) Continuous Fan Sheathed and Soldered powering 4 fans. 12 Inch
(1) Corasir H70 Power cable for H20 Pump 3 Inch
(1) 5 Pin Assembly for Power Reset light HD switch

(7) Sheathed and Color coded Braidied Cables Custom Length.
Frozen cpu does customer color clable and cust lengths for 49.99 each. Bargain if you ask me, great quality. Est Entire case. $200.00

Nim's BF3 build Da1

Fans Custom Red and Black EnerMax Same as picture but Blades will be red black red black

Nim's BF3 build Da2r
Nim's BF3 build Da3

Da Box
Nim's BF3 build Da6u
Nim's BF3 build 89746126
Nim's BF3 build Da7r
Nim's BF3 build Da5ap
Nim's BF3 build Da4p

OCZ Revo Drive + Review
Nim's BF3 build Oczrevodrive1b

Handle for the box going to weld it on (no blade so people will think twice about pickng it up.
Nim's BF3 build 54452469

I will bring the prototype to lan fest and other gatherings in an attempt to sell hopefully 4 in 2012. Please guys I know we have some serious It members and gaming builders in the clan so opinions are welcome, if something not logical or silly let me know guys this is big project for me. , help me improve its appeal.

credit to Hannes project Echo in Hard OCP forums.

edit card wan tto use is 7970 ATI

Last edited by Nimmer on Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Just one problem here!   Nim's BF3 build Icon_minitimeMon Mar 14, 2011 5:20 am

Just one problem here; the wait. Interesting build. Will the micro ATX MB have enough PCI Express slot for need VGA, SSD and whatever else?

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Join date : 2011-01-14

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PostSubject: Re: Nim's BF3 build   Nim's BF3 build Icon_minitimeMon Mar 14, 2011 10:14 pm

yes as you can see on one of the pics above there is 4 slots total

2 for the Pci-e 7970 4g
1 for the Pci-e sound card
1 for the Pci-e hard drive
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PostSubject: Re: Nim's BF3 build   Nim's BF3 build Icon_minitime

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