My son has been nice enough to let me play his copy of Brink the past few days this is a pretty cool game.
I like several things about Brink:
You can customize your character. You get to pick how they look, face, hairstyle, body build (light, medium, heavy), tattoos, hats, jackets, clothes.
You can customize your guns: muzzle breaks, silencers (with unlock), mag extensions.
The game goes for a little bit of an oversized appearance giving it a little bit of an anime feel.
When you are incapacitated you still get to view your surroundings. With an unlock you can continue to fire your pistol (think L4D2). It is a good idea to finish off fallen enemies or an enemy medic may come along and give them revive syringes. That's another cool thing the medics don't revive you they just give you the ability to revive yourself. This away you don't have to revive if the enemy is standing right there getting ready to kill you.
You can climb on stuff, do a sliding belly crawl, sliding tackle, wall runs.
I'm not sure about some things though. The maps seem small. There are no vehicles to drive that I have seen. I haven't seen a map large enough where I would want to use a scope on a weapon (no room for sniping.. imo).
Has anybody else tried this game out? I still haven't decided if I am going to buy it or not.