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Just placed this purchase for my new build. $647 total including tax & shipping. All parts except the video card since it is a bit aged (got it to add with my existing 260 for SLI) were purchased from Newegg. Video card is from Amazon merchant called "colddo1".
CPU: Intel i5-2500K
Memory: G.SKILL Ripjaws X DDR3-1600 (PC12800) 8GB (2 x 4GB)
HDD: Western Digital Caviar Black 500GB
HSF: Xigmatek Loki SD963
GFX: 2x eVGA GeForce GTX260 Core 216 (SLI)
Existing Parts From Current Build
Case: Lian-Li PC6B
PSU: Corsair 850TX
These new parts should run BF3 without the slightest hint of a hiccup or framerate drop that's noticeable. Now, post your's