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PostSubject: Problem...   Problem... Icon_minitimeThu Oct 21, 2010 6:16 am

There is a mod on your server called "sPAM.FOo". I was playing last night when this incident happened. A person on my squad snuck up behind him and killed him apparently. He (sPAM.FOo) then demanded to know how he (the guy who killed him) spawned next to him. There is no way that he spawned next to him. Anyway, he demanded it or he would ban that player.

Anyway, I asked him if he was abusing his mod power by forcing them to tell him how they killed him and he kicked me from the game with the reason "talking shit to the mod" (thats the actual reason he gave). You can look at the chat logs and see I did not "talk shit" or anything.

This is extremely childish and who knows who else this "mod-nazi" has "gone off" on just because he has the kick/ban power button at his disposal. Please either remove him from being a moderator on your BFBC2 server or at least take away his powers until he is mature enough to use them correctly.

I wouldn't be making this post if it didnt bother me. I always play on your server and now Im thinking twice because this mod might be on and just go kick/ban happy for no reason....ruining the fun of the game.

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